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Making Computing Tangible and Visible Lab

This project is aimed to making computing more accessible for children by teaching them key stem concepts through playful learning games.


Code Craft Group



Advisor: Dr. Hyun Joo Oh

Undergraduate designer: Jyotsna B.


August 15, 2024 - Present


Microbit, Java, Figma


Microsoft | Micro:bit​​

By building code with code blocks, students can create a variety of different games. This is a guided and beginner friendly method for children to learn key stem concepts.


Project Components

MCVT Toolkit

This paper-based toolkit is designed to help make computing accessible to students in elementary and middle school.

Copper Tape

Microbit Microcontroller

LED Pins

Copper tape conducts electricity and helps students make easy circuits on paper kits.

The micro:bit is a pocket-sized computer designed to inspire creative thinking in children.

Connect these leds to different points in the circuit as displayed in the diagram to have a fully interactive toolkit.


Game Introduction and Overview

Goal Guardian Game Overview

August 15, 2024 - Present

2 players compete to score 10 points by successfully "guarding" their goal or intercepting the dot when it reaches their side of the grid.

Game Rules:

  • Player 1 uses Button A to catch the dot when it’s in the leftmost column (column 0).

  • Player 2 uses Button B to catch the dot when it’s in the rightmost column (column 4).

  • If a player makes a mistake, the red led light will flash and the point will go to the opposing team.

Game Objectives

Objectives and Goals

Improves Attention and User Reaction Time

Supports Fine Motor Skill Development

The dynamic and random movement of the dot requires players to maintain focus and respond quickly, enhancing their attention and reflexes.

Repeatedly pressing buttons to catch the dot improves fine motor coordination and hand-eye coordination, skills that are critical for everyday tasks and other academic activities.

User Scenarios

Player Scores a Goal

When Player 1 or Player 2 guard their goal successfully by pressing column 0 or column 4 respectively, the green led will light up. This indicates that the user was able to successfully guard their goal and prevent the other team from making a point. Each correct score will add a point to that Player’s score bank.


User Scenarios

Player Makes a Mistake

When Player 1 or Player 2 miss their goal by pressing any column that is not column 0 or column 4 respectively, the red led will light up. This indicates that the user made a mistake and scored a point for the other team. Each mistake will add a point to the other Player’s score bank.


How it works

Goal Guardian Game

The paper toolkit on the left is designed to help students engage in key stem learning principles through fun games. Goal Guardian is designed to support collaboration and multi-player settings. In this way, children learn how to play together and design for fun.

Screenshot 2024-12-17 at 8.48.55 PM.png
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